
Nebraska Examiner: Vargas poll shows another tight U.S. House race with Bacon in Nebraska’s 2nd District

In The News   Posted by Tony Vargas · March 29, 2024

OMAHA — Two years after Republicans spent more than $5 million in outside money attacking Democratic State Sen. Tony Vargas of Omaha, he heads into his likely rematch with U.S. Rep. Don Bacon, R-Neb., no worse for wear, polling indicates.

An internal Vargas campaign poll shared with the Examiner shows him in a statistical tie with Bacon in a potential general election race. That fits with recent House race ratings from Inside Elections and Crystal Ball, which list the race as increasingly competitive.

In the internal polling, Vargas led Bacon 46%-43% among voters surveyed in the Omaha-based 2nd Congressional District. But the gap between the two is within the poll’s 4.4% margin of error, which means either could lead. Roughly 11% were undecided.

Global Strategy Group, a New York pollster for Democratic candidates, surveyed 500 2nd District voters by landline and cell phone Feb. 20-25.

One of the poll’s more interesting findings is that more voters surveyed viewed both Vargas and Bacon unfavorably than they did in 2022, but the difference between their favorable and unfavorable ratings was about the same as two years ago.

The poll indicated that 47% of those surveyed viewed Bacon unfavorably, while 27% viewed Vargas unfavorably. Bacon was viewed favorably by 40% and Vargas by 38%. Bacon’s campaign has said he is viewed more favorably in his own polling.

Vargas’ poll showed him leading with nonpartisan voters, a key swing block in a district that leans slightly Republican.

Vargas’ campaign has said Bacon’s efforts to ban abortion, reduce access to affordable health care and raise taxes on the middle class are weighing on him, and so is his willingness to support former President Donald Trump.

“My record of growing the middle class and protecting reproductive freedom is resonating with voters,” Vargas said in a statement. “Time and time again, Bacon has put Donald Trump’s MAGA agenda ahead of our families.… Nebraskans are ready for change.”

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